Applying a Future Lens to AI

June 4, 2024
  • Jacob Park portrait

    Jacob Park

    Director, Sustainable Futures Lab, BSR

  • David Stearns portrait

    David Stearns

    Managing Director, Marketing and Communications, BSR


Jacob Park, Transformation Director and head of BSR’s Sustainable Futures Lab, chats with David Stearns about Applying a Futures Lens to AI, exploring:

  • Why futures thinking techniques can be particularly useful to discussions about responsible AI.
  • How scenario planning exercises work, who is typically involved within a company, and how they might be applied to mitigate a potential outcome of AI such as worker displacement.
  • Some of the opportunities and innovations offered by AI that have the potential to advance sustainable business.
  • How futures thinking can help to address challenges emerging from the rapid advancement of AI.

Let’s talk about how BSR can help you to transform your business and achieve your sustainability goals.

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