The Impact on Climate and Nature with David Wei

November 28, 2023
  • David Wei

    Former Managing Director, Climate and Nature, BSR

  • David Stearns portrait

    David Stearns

    Managing Director, Marketing and Communications, BSR


David Wei, BSR Managing Director, Climate and Nature chats with David Stearns on The Impact on Climate and Nature, exploring:

  • How these rules and regulations apply specifically to net zero reporting and other climate-related commitments.
  • What impact they may have on greenwashing, specifically making it less permissible. 
  • To what extent the new requirements may help companies increase their ambition and drive greater impact toward net zero goals. 
  • New challenges for climate-focused sustainability practitioners, including the Chief Sustainability Officer. 
  • Key competencies that boards will need to develop to ensure that actions are commensurate with disclosure.
  • To what extent the politicization of these efforts in the U.S. may a challenge for Chief Sustainability Officers or other leaders at the forefront of this work.

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