
Human Rights Policy Engagement: The Role of Companies thumnail image
Human Rights

Human Rights Policy Engagement: The Role of Companies

It is increasingly important for business not only to maintain its commitments to respect human rights, but also to find new ways to support the work of governments for such efforts.

Is Stakeholder Engagement the Key to Successful Community Standards? thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

Is Stakeholder Engagement the Key to Successful Community Standards?

Ongoing debates about leadership, governance, and regulation of social media are highly relevant to any stakeholder engagement discussion for platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Human Rights, Access to Remedy, and Stakeholder Engagement thumnail image
Human Rights

Human Rights, Access to Remedy, and Stakeholder Engagement

It is clear that there is still a significant gap between companies responding to allegations of harming human rights and actually engaging with the affected rightsholders to ensure that appropriate remedy is provided.

#DontBanEquality: CEOs Step Up to Say Abortion Bans are Bad for Business thumnail image
Human Rights | Women’s Empowerment

#DontBanEquality: CEOs Step Up to Say Abortion Bans are Bad for Business

While it may seem safer for companies to stay silent on abortion legislation, many companies have concluded that they need to speak out to stay consistent on their commitments to gender equality and support for women’s health.

New Collaborative Initiative to Advance LGBTI Equality Globally thumnail image
Collaboration | Human Rights

New Collaborative Initiative to Advance LGBTI Equality Globally

BSR is pleased to announce our latest Collaborative Initiative, the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (PGLE), a collaboration between the World Economic Forum, OHCHR, and BSR.

Time’s Up: Women Should Be Front and Center of Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence thumnail image
Human Rights | Women’s Empowerment

Time’s Up: Women Should Be Front and Center of Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence

The UNGP report "Gender Dimensions of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" has the primary objective of putting an end to gender-blind human rights due diligence and access to remedy. This report reinforces BSR’s position that places gender equality at the heart of its initiatives, programs, and tools.

Exploring Employee Activism: Why This Stakeholder Group Can No Longer Be Ignored thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Exploring Employee Activism: Why This Stakeholder Group Can No Longer Be Ignored

For companies used to thinking about stakeholder engagement as an external-facing exercise, the strength and speed of staff unrest has been a surprise. Companies in all sectors need to start regarding employees as their most significant interest group.

What Do the Next 20 Years Hold for the Healthcare Industry? thumnail image

What Do the Next 20 Years Hold for the Healthcare Industry?

BSR's Healthcare Working Group, which celebrates its twentieth anniversary in 2019, is a forum of experts and peers, working together to share the challenges of today, anticipate the trends of tomorrow, discuss best practices, and co-create solutions.

A Five-Step Approach to Engaging Investors on Sustainability thumnail image
Financial Services | Sustainability Management

A Five-Step Approach to Engaging Investors on Sustainability

Companies that are not engaging investors on sustainability are missing an opportunity to attract and retain investors focused on long-term value and ESG.

How to Drive Value through Supply Chain Sustainability thumnail image
Supply Chain

How to Drive Value through Supply Chain Sustainability

As supply chain sustainability—also known as responsible sourcing, sustainable sourcing, responsible supply, or sustainable procurement—continues to evolve, companies must also stay abreast of its trends if they hope to build or maintain a competitive edge.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: We Need to Talk about the Use Phase thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: We Need to Talk about the Use Phase

Undertaking due diligence of artificial intelligence (AI) across all industries now is a matter of urgency and not something that can be put off into a distant future.

Progress and Opportunities for Responsible Investing in Japan thumnail image
Financial Services

Progress and Opportunities for Responsible Investing in Japan

At the RI Asia Japan conference in April 2019, three unique, Japan-focused dynamics stood out. These dynamics point to keys for adapting and applying global sustainable investment themes within Japan and ways the rest of the world can learn from Japan’s rapid uptake.

Making Supply Chains Safe for Women Workers thumnail image
Supply Chain | Women’s Empowerment

Making Supply Chains Safe for Women Workers

When it comes to tackling harassment and abuse, compliance programs alone are inadequate. They need to be rethought with the worker at the center, and they should measure and bolster the programs put in place to address root causes and build real change.

How Companies Should Respond to the Vedanta Ruling thumnail image
Human Rights

How Companies Should Respond to the Vedanta Ruling

Following the UK Supreme Court's recent decision in Vedanta v. Lungowe, we believe it is in the best interest of companies to double down on working with subsidiaries to ensure they properly understand and adequately manage environmental and social risk.