
Human Rights in a Global Supply Chain: Challenges and Approaches thumnail image
Human Rights | Supply Chain

Human Rights in a Global Supply Chain: Challenges and Approaches

During its summer meetings, BSR's Human Rights Working Group covered topics ranging from women’s empowerment in the business context to applying human rights considerations to artificial intelligence systems as part of its discussion on implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The Building Blocks of Integrating ESG into Private Infrastructure Investments thumnail image
Financial Services | Sustainability Management

The Building Blocks of Integrating ESG into Private Infrastructure Investments

While private equity firms have made significant progress in integrating ESG considerations into their company-focused equities investing models, infrastructure funds have not been as proactive in integrating ESG considerations into business decisions—and we think this is a missed opportunity.

Answering the Call for Business Leadership on Climate Policy thumnail image
Climate Change

Answering the Call for Business Leadership on Climate Policy

Our recently released letter calling for business action on climate policy—which we were delighted to publish in partnership with 10 other leading environmental and sustainability organizations—is a sign of the times.

Q&A with BSR Senior Advisor Susan Morgan thumnail image
Human Rights | Sustainability Management | Technology

Q&A with BSR Senior Advisor Susan Morgan

Dunstan Allison-Hope interviews Susan Morgan, BSR's newest senior advisor, on technology, ethics, and human rights in sustainable business.

Harnessing the Power of Data in Supply Chains: Making Women Workers Count and Be Counted thumnail image
Supply Chain | Women’s Empowerment

Harnessing the Power of Data in Supply Chains: Making Women Workers Count and Be Counted

How can companies conduct more gender-responsive due diligence approaches, and what role does gender-disaggregated data play in this? This is the question that BSR’s Making Women Workers Count: Conducting Gender-Responsive Due Diligence in Supply Chains sets out to address.

Three Takeaways from UNGA Week 2019 thumnail image
Climate Change | Sustainability Management

Three Takeaways from UNGA Week 2019

World leaders, CEOs, and NGOs large and small descended on New York last week for the UN General Assembly, UN Climate Action Summit, and Climate Week NYC. Aron Cramer shares his three big takeaways from the week.

2019 Climate Action Summit: Businesses Are Pulling Governments toward a Net Zero Economy thumnail image
Climate Change

2019 Climate Action Summit: Businesses Are Pulling Governments toward a Net Zero Economy

While the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit included a handful of positive announcements, the ambition of these announcements does not match the urgency that climate change demands.

How Companies Can Tackle Poverty Through Inclusive Employment Strategies thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, And Justice

How Companies Can Tackle Poverty Through Inclusive Employment Strategies

BSR and the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC) are pleased to launch the Reducing Poverty through Employment Toolkit, a guide for companies on how to get started or how to enhance existing efforts to employ, empower, and improve the advancement prospects of those living in poverty as a part of their direct and indirect workforces.

Responsible Use of Technology thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

Responsible Use of Technology

BSR has partnered with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to publish Responsible Use of Technology and offer a framework for the responsible use of disruptive technologies.

Climate Week 2019: Going from Climate Risk to Resilience through Collective Action thumnail image
Climate Change

Climate Week 2019: Going from Climate Risk to Resilience through Collective Action

While the list of impacts and resulting climate risk to business grows as the amount and intensity of climate-related events rises, the opportunity to address these risks through robust climate resilience solutions also increases.

Climate Week 2019: Time for Bold Commitments—and Action thumnail image
Climate Change

Climate Week 2019: Time for Bold Commitments—and Action

As we approach Climate Week, which kicks off with the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, it is clear that more action is needed.

Empowering Women in Toy Factories: Insights from Our Pilot in India thumnail image
Supply Chain | Women’s Empowerment

Empowering Women in Toy Factories: Insights from Our Pilot in India

BSR and the Ethical Toy Program collaborated on a women’s empowerment program that was piloted in three toy factories in India with a total population of 824 workers—including 198 women. From the pilots, we gained several insights into what it takes to develop successful programs to advance women in the workplace.

Supply Chain Visibility: Traceability, Transparency, and Mapping Explained thumnail image
Supply Chain

Supply Chain Visibility: Traceability, Transparency, and Mapping Explained

BSR experts explain three concepts for gaining and demonstrating visibility in multi-tier supply chains: traceability, mapping, and transparency. What are these concepts, how do they differ, and what do they offer?

Business Roundtable Aims High, But Misses thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Business Roundtable Aims High, But Misses

In a very welcome—and long overdue—step, the Business Roundtable, America’s foremost CEO network, has recognized that a singular focus on shareholder value is the wrong “north star” for business leaders. However, its update falls short of what society and business truly need to thrive in the 21st century.