Women’s Empowerment
How Do You Empower 100,000 Women?
In 2014, ANN made its 100,000 Women Commitment to empower 100,000 women working in its global supply chain. Here's the story of how it achieved this milestone.
Women’s Empowerment
On International Women’s Day, Let’s Press for Progress in Global Supply Chains
If all players across global value chains press for progress, we can achieve a future where an empowered female workforce is widely recognized as a driver for business success.
Supply Chain | Technology
Managing Supply Chain Water Risk: New Capacities for New Challenges
Water scarcity will be a defining issue of the 21st century. This example from Dell demonstrates how companies can manage water risk in their supply chains.
Collaboration: How Business Must Lead to Achieve Sustainable Development
As we look to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and implement the Paris Agreement, we must foster collaboration for impact at scale.
Collaboration | Healthcare
Next-Generation Private-Sector Collaboration for Sustainable Development: Q&A with Gavi
We sat down with Gavi, the Vaccination Alliance, to talk about the key success factors of its cross-sector collaboration efforts.
Collaboration for Impact: A Conversation
This is the first in a series of interviews on how the private sector contributes to sustainable development through collaboration.
Equity, Inclusion, And Justice | Supply Chain
Assessing Suppliers: Inclusive Business or Business as Usual?
Inclusive suppliers can be distinguished by these three traits.
Supply Chain
Why We Need a Loud (and Consistent) Business Voice on Policy Issues
Business silence on key public policy issues is no longer an acceptable stance.
Supply Chain
The 5 Stages of Materiality Grief
These are our tips for navigating the journey from denial to acceptance when embarking on a materiality assessment.
Sustainability Management | Sustainability Reporting
Three Hot Debates in Sustainability Reporting Today
Throughout our recent discussions with sustainability reporting leaders, we were struck by sharply divided opinions on these three questions.
Financial Services | Supply Chain
Four Sustainability Management Trends and Opportunities in the Banking Sector
How has corporate responsibility in the banking sector changed since the 2008 financial crisis? What more could be done?
Sustainability Management
(Re)Making the Case for Sustainability: Effective Sustainability Management through a CEO Transition
To maintain and increase sustainability investment during a CEO transition, answer these guiding questions.
Sustainability Management
Managing Sustainable Business in a Rapidly Changing World
The era of stand-alone sustainability strategies needs to end; the creation of resilient business strategies with sustainability at the foundation needs to begin. Here's how practitioners can reimagine sustainable business inside their organizations.
Human Rights | Supply Chain | Sustainability Reporting
France’s Due Diligence Law: Is Your Company Ready to Disclose Its Vigilance Plan?
In 2018, large companies falling within the scope of the French Due Diligence Law are expected to develop, implement, and publish their due diligence plans to identify risks and prevent infringements on human rights, fundamental freedoms, health and safety, and the environment. Here are ways your company can prepare.