
The Future of Human Rights Due Diligence: Legislation and Regulation for a Level Playing Field thumnail image
Human Rights

The Future of Human Rights Due Diligence: Legislation and Regulation for a Level Playing Field

In the first of a three-part series, this blog focuses on the current landscape of mandatory human rights due diligence (HRDD) and disclosure requirements and the push toward a more universal approach.

Introducing The Fast Forward: BSR’s Emerging Issues Update thumnail image
Sustainable Futures Lab

Introducing The Fast Forward: BSR’s Emerging Issues Update

BSR’s Sustainable Futures Lab is launching The Fast Forward, a new quarterly publication exploring emerging issues at the nexus of business and sustainability.

Three Futures of Company Climate Action thumnail image
Climate Change

Three Futures of Company Climate Action

This year’s Climate Week NYC has advanced a shift from climate commitments to climate action. What will company climate action look like in this Decisive Decade? Here are three plausible futures for companies considering their own climate and environmental strategy.

Building Momentum for Positive Change in the Palm Derivatives Sector thumnail image

Building Momentum for Positive Change in the Palm Derivatives Sector

Action for Sustainable Derivatives was launched to galvanize a collective voice of influence for responsible palm production and to operationalize collective tools for change. We are proud to share our first Annual Update on Progress, demonstrating the rapid progress that has been made.

Missing Climate Week, Seeing Climate Refugees thumnail image
Nature | Climate Change

Missing Climate Week, Seeing Climate Refugees

BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer shares his recent experience in Oregon during the wildfires, underlining the necessity of taking climate action.

Scaling the Impact of Digital Financial Services: The Opportunity and Imperative during COVID-19 thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Scaling the Impact of Digital Financial Services: The Opportunity and Imperative during COVID-19

In a new report, HERproject and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth share lessons and insights from Digital Wages programs that can help companies, governments, and financial service providers scale up digital payments for low-income workers after COVID-19.

Freight Buyers Are the Zero-Emission Fuel We Need thumnail image
Supply Chain | Climate Change

Freight Buyers Are the Zero-Emission Fuel We Need

BSR and the Smart Freight Centre are moving to accelerate the shift to zero-carbon freight across all modes of transport—air, sea, road, rail, waterways—by 2050 through a new buyer-focused collaborative platform: the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance.

Meeting the Moment for a New Social Contract: Q&A with Sharan Burrow of the ITUC thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Meeting the Moment for a New Social Contract: Q&A with Sharan Burrow of the ITUC

BSR is pleased to welcome Sharan Burrow, an outspoken champion for workers and climate, as a plenary speaker at our 2020 Conference. In this article, we discuss her point of view on what a 21st-century social contract should look like.

Transform to Net Zero and the Shift from Climate Ambition to Climate Action thumnail image
Collaboration | Climate Change

Transform to Net Zero and the Shift from Climate Ambition to Climate Action

Unless companies transform into net zero businesses, targets alone will not persuade governments to make more ambitious national pledges. That is why we need—and we are beginning to see—a great shift from climate ambition to climate action.

Ensuring Circular Fashion is Good for People—as well as the Environment thumnail image
Supply Chain | Consumer Products

Ensuring Circular Fashion is Good for People—as well as the Environment

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, circular economic models had been sprouting up at increasing speed in the fashion industry. BSR’s new brief, Taking a People-Centered Approach to a Circular Fashion Economy, explores the potential social impacts that may emerge from a mainstream shift to circular fashion.

Building Resilient Supply Chains to Meet the Moment—and the Future thumnail image
Supply Chain

Building Resilient Supply Chains to Meet the Moment—and the Future

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed how efficiency in global supply chains came at the cost of resilience. It is time to build more robust and resilient supply chains—understanding, valuing, and incorporating resilience for the buyer, suppliers, and the workers across the value chain.

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: A Call For Action to Build Resilience Post-COVID thumnail image
Human Rights | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Climate Change

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: A Call For Action to Build Resilience Post-COVID

On the commemoration of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), we recognize that there is still much to be done to prevent, mitigate, and remedy the current and forthcoming adverse impacts of climate change to which Indigenous Peoples are particularly vulnerable.

A 21st-Century Social Contract Must Include a Just Transition to a Net-Zero Economy thumnail image
Human Rights | Climate Change

A 21st-Century Social Contract Must Include a Just Transition to a Net-Zero Economy

We need to enact large-scale systemic changes to combat global climate change—and as the transition to a net-zero GHG emissions economy takes place, we need a social contract that addresses the impact on workers and their communities, especially those facing systemic inequities.

How Healthcare Companies Can Meet the Moment and Respect Human Rights thumnail image
Human Rights | Healthcare

How Healthcare Companies Can Meet the Moment and Respect Human Rights

In a world where both a return to normalcy and our ability to weather future crises depends in large part on innovation in the healthcare sector, healthcare companies, particularly those in the pharmaceutical industry, have a crucial role to play in ensuring respect for human rights throughout their own operations, supply chains, and business relationships.

Respecting the Rights of Vulnerable Groups thumnail image
Human Rights

Respecting the Rights of Vulnerable Groups

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the most vulnerable and marginalized have been and will continue to be the hardest hit amid increasing infection rates and deepening economic recession. BSR has released a primer, featuring a three-step approach on how companies can identify vulnerable groups, including BIPOC, and respect their rights in the context of COVID-19.