
Meet the Moment. Build the Future. thumnail image
Inside BSR

Meet the Moment. Build the Future.

As the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic continue to spread, we at BSR are working hard to continue supporting our member companies around the world. Our approach at BSR can be summed up in six words: Meet the Moment. Build the Future.

COVID-19: A Rapid Human Rights Due Diligence Tool for Companies thumnail image
Human Rights

COVID-19: A Rapid Human Rights Due Diligence Tool for Companies

The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has reached such a level of imminent threat to public health that restrictions on certain human rights, such as limiting freedom of movement, appear to be justified. But this begs a critically important question: what are the key human rights principles for companies to uphold during this public emergency?

So, Your Sourcing and Manufacturing Footprint Is Changing: Six Sustainability Considerations thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Supply Chain

So, Your Sourcing and Manufacturing Footprint Is Changing: Six Sustainability Considerations

As the exodus of manufacturing in China continued and accelerated, both manufacturing groups and global buyers sought opportunities to re-globalize their value chains. Here are six sustainability considerations to help your company create Globalization 2.0 plans which can help achieve long-term success.

An Update from BSR on COVID-19 thumnail image
Inside BSR

An Update from BSR on COVID-19

Our movement for resilient, sustainable business has never been more relevant, or important. BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer addresses the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Business Lessons from Phase One of the COVID-19 Pandemic thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Human Rights | Healthcare | Climate Change

Business Lessons from Phase One of the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we take time to think first of the health of our families, friends, and communities in the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, here are five lessons to guide us through these turbulent times and the uncertainties which lie ahead.

Respecting Human Rights While Protecting Public Health thumnail image
Human Rights | Healthcare

Respecting Human Rights While Protecting Public Health

As the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak disrupts global supply chains and shutters factories and stores around the world, companies are grappling in real time with the human rights implications of the coronavirus response. How can we best protect public health while respecting individual human rights?

Women’s Empowerment Principles: Turning a Decade of Lessons into Ambitious Business Action thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Sustainability Management

Women’s Empowerment Principles: Turning a Decade of Lessons into Ambitious Business Action

A new report from BSR and the United Nations Global Compact presents aggregate findings of the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool, an online platform that has been used by more than 2,000 companies around the world since its launch in 2017 to anonymously assess their gender equality performance.

The Shift to Digital Wages: Making Sure It Works for Women and Business thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain | Financial Services | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

The Shift to Digital Wages: Making Sure It Works for Women and Business

In the HERfinance Digital Wages program in Bangladesh, designed to support garment factories making the transition from cash to digital payrolls, we found a tangible connection between tailoring programs to women’s needs and an increase in women’s financial inclusion and empowerment.

Business Action to Achieve Gender Equality in the Decisive Decade thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment

Business Action to Achieve Gender Equality in the Decisive Decade

At BSR, we are committed to working with our members to chart out a path that gets us to gender equality quickly. Here is what we think needs to happen to achieve this during the decisive decade.

The Impact of Coronavirus on Workers, Business Operations, and Supply Chains in China thumnail image
Supply Chain

The Impact of Coronavirus on Workers, Business Operations, and Supply Chains in China

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has had an obvious and immediate impact on China’s economy. Here's how it has impacted workers' travel, supply chains, and the economy on local and global levels.

Beyond Women on Boards: How Gender Lens Investing Can Transform Your Impact Strategy thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Financial Services

Beyond Women on Boards: How Gender Lens Investing Can Transform Your Impact Strategy

More impact investors are slowly aligning their strategies to the push for greater gender equality and women’s empowerment. However, understanding on how to unlock the power of capital to support these commitments remains limited. Gender lens investing is a powerful new approach with the potential to change that.

Sustainable Business in Asia: Five Trends That Will Impact the Decisive Decade thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Supply Chain

Sustainable Business in Asia: Five Trends That Will Impact the Decisive Decade

Through BSR’s work across Asia, including significant stakeholder engagement across the region, we have identified the following five sustainability trends for business in Asia in the 2020s that will impact sourcing strategies and supply chains, access to finance, employee engagement, sustainability leadership, and increasingly market and consumer engagement.

Purchasing Power: The Opportunity for Women’s Advancement in Procurement and Global Supply Chains thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain | Human Rights

Purchasing Power: The Opportunity for Women’s Advancement in Procurement and Global Supply Chains

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a framework guiding business on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. However, despite considerable advancements, we are still decades away from achieving gender parity.

Human Rights Assessments in the Decisive Decade: Innovative Approaches for the Technology Sector thumnail image
Technology | Human Rights

Human Rights Assessments in the Decisive Decade: Innovative Approaches for the Technology Sector

This blog is the second in a series of two about human rights assessments in the technology industry. While the previous blog described challenges related to these assessments, this blog proposes solutions.

Accelerating Toward Data Insights thumnail image
Technology | Human Rights

Accelerating Toward Data Insights

In the first Tech Against Trafficking Accelerator, CTDC partnered with Tech Against Trafficking members and partners across different workstreams related to privacy-preserving mechanisms, data standards, and increased platform engagement.