
Getting to a Price on Carbon: Collaboration, Action, and Leadership thumnail image
Collaboration | Climate Change

Getting to a Price on Carbon: Collaboration, Action, and Leadership

How can businesses work together to support meaningful public policy to address the climate crisis and carbon emissions?

To Advance Gender Equality, We Need to Tackle Climate Change thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Climate Change

To Advance Gender Equality, We Need to Tackle Climate Change

As the effects of climate change continue to exacerbate poverty, inequality and other social issues, the solutions we put forth must include social focus. This includes empowering women to be leaders.

Three Ways for Companies to Promote Women’s Leadership across the Supply Chain thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain

Three Ways for Companies to Promote Women’s Leadership across the Supply Chain

Through individual and collective action, companies have the chance not just to promote women as leaders but to become leaders on women’s empowerment—and there has never been a better time to do so.

Access to Modern Family Planning Products: Time to Address Social Stigma thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain | Healthcare

Access to Modern Family Planning Products: Time to Address Social Stigma

HERproject works to improve access and use of modern family planning by addressing stigmas that women and men hold about family planning products during workplace training in Kenya.

Three Changes for Women and Business Coming in 2019 thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Human Rights

Three Changes for Women and Business Coming in 2019

As we celebrate International Women's Day, we take a look at three events in 2019 that have the potential to alter how business influences women’s empowerment.

#ThisIsALeader: Raising the Profile of Women Making a Difference thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment

#ThisIsALeader: Raising the Profile of Women Making a Difference

Out of the spotlight and away from the media attention, women throughout global supply chains are quietly taking on leadership roles and driving change for their colleagues, families, and communities.

How Private Equity Can Address TCFD and Climate Change thumnail image
Financial Services | Climate Change

How Private Equity Can Address TCFD and Climate Change

What courses of action will help private equity firms address climate risks and opportunities in an actionable, meaningful way? BSR suggests two types of approach.

How Private Equity Firms Can Develop Responsible Investing Policies thumnail image
Financial Services

How Private Equity Firms Can Develop Responsible Investing Policies

A responsible investment policy is a private equity firm's commitment to incorporate ESG factors into investment decisions to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns. Our white paper outlines guidance for private equity firms on a straightforward approach, relevant principles, and practical tips to use in developing a responsible investment policy.

A New Transparency Challenge for Business and Human Rights thumnail image
Transport and Logistics | Technology | Human Rights | Financial Services | Consumer Products

A New Transparency Challenge for Business and Human Rights

There is an urgent need to enhance disclosure practices across all industries that receive requests for data and assistance from law enforcement agencies.

The Future of Sustainability Reporting thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Collaboration

The Future of Sustainability Reporting

These are the five innovations that we would like to see improve sustainability reporting and disclosure in 2019.

Getting to a Price on Carbon: Opportunities for a New Generation of Collaboration thumnail image
Collaboration | Climate Change

Getting to a Price on Carbon: Opportunities for a New Generation of Collaboration

As discourse on climate change continues to grow in the political, public, and business spheres, the outstanding question remains: What is the best solution?

Large Companies Have a Key Role in Strengthening Small Supplier Integrity thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Large Companies Have a Key Role in Strengthening Small Supplier Integrity

Multinational companies need to take a more active role in influencing supplier integrity via procurement processes enforced across their value chains.

Improve Sustainability with New Air Freight Alliance thumnail image
Climate Change

Improve Sustainability with New Air Freight Alliance

BSR is pleased to announce the launch of the Sustainable Air Freight Alliance, a forum for buyers and suppliers alike to collaborate on air freight emissions reduction.

What Larry Fink’s 2019 Letter Means for the Future of Business thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Financial Services

What Larry Fink’s 2019 Letter Means for the Future of Business

Here are our four main takeaways from this year's letter from BlackRock's Larry Fink to CEOs.

How Futures Thinking Can Help Us Shape Globalization 4.0 thumnail image
Sustainability Management

How Futures Thinking Can Help Us Shape Globalization 4.0

Futures thinking is an invaluable tool in informing and testing strategies for the next era of globalization.