
How Will Chinese Companies Shape the Global EV Market? thumnail image
Energy and Extractives | Emerging Issues | Transport and Logistics

How Will Chinese Companies Shape the Global EV Market?

A global shift to reduce carbon emissions has led to an expansion in China’s role in the global electric vehicle and battery markets. What implications does this have for decarbonization and grid stability in emerging markets? 

Inside BSR: Q&A with Cherry Lin thumnail image
Inside BSR

Inside BSR: Q&A with Cherry Lin

Inside BSR is our series featuring BSR team members from around the world. Meet Cherry Lin, a Manager based out of our Guangzhou office.

Responsible Business in Space thumnail image
Energy and Extractives | Transport and Logistics

Responsible Business in Space

Our findings from speaking with 16 aerospace leaders on sustainability and the space sector.

Nine Ways to Mitigate Risk of Child Labor Across the Supply Chain  thumnail image
Human Rights | Emerging Issues | Supply Chain

Nine Ways to Mitigate Risk of Child Labor Across the Supply Chain

Instances of child labor are increasing across the world. Learn more about how businesses can mitigate these risks.

BSR’s Climate Journey Toward Net Zero thumnail image
Climate Change

BSR’s Climate Journey Toward Net Zero

As a mission-driven sustainable business network, we focus on impact in everything we do. Learn more about the steps we’re taking as an organization to stay in line with our core beliefs and achieve net zero. 

Making Connections Across Professions thumnail image
Human Rights | Business Transformation | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Climate Change | Nature | ESG

Making Connections Across Professions

With an acceleration of alignment among initiatives, guidelines, and standards over recent years, BSR staff share their thoughts going forward.

Why an Impactful Sustainability Strategy needs Collaboration  thumnail image
Collaboration | Sustainability Management

Why an Impactful Sustainability Strategy needs Collaboration

Companies are petitioned every day to join new partnerships and collaborations, and it can become overwhelming. How might a sustainability team make strategic decisions about which collaborations to join, and justify the time and expense?

Five Ways to Activate Your Board on Nature thumnail image
Nature | Boards

Five Ways to Activate Your Board on Nature

Nature-related issues represent a material risk for most companies. It’s important to recognize actions and immediate steps boards can take to address the growing concerns.

Interview with the Future: Meet the CSO of Antennae, a Manufacturing Company Operating in 2030  thumnail image
Emerging Issues | Industrials | Technology

Interview with the Future: Meet the CSO of Antennae, a Manufacturing Company Operating in 2030

In this time-travel interview, we journey into a scenario where a strong retreat from economic globalization meets the wild west of artificial intelligence. And in this imagined future, we hear from Lorna León, the fictional Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of Antennae—an imaginary manufacturing company supplying electrical components for satellites.

Inside BSR: Q&A with Juliette Pugliesi thumnail image
Nature | Inside BSR

Inside BSR: Q&A with Juliette Pugliesi

Inside BSR is our series featuring BSR team members from around the world. Meet Juliette Pugliesi, a Manager based out of our Paris office.

Bringing the Most Vulnerable to Climate Change to the Boardroom thumnail image
Climate Change | Boards | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Bringing the Most Vulnerable to Climate Change to the Boardroom

There are growing calls for more representation at the highest levels of corporate governance. Explore recommendations for how business leaders can improve their engagement with stakeholders through co-created solutions to advance climate resilience. 

Implementing a Long-Term DEI Approach: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Implementing a Long-Term DEI Approach: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region

From working with APAC companies, here's how their success in implementing long-term strategies for DEI can be applied to your business. 

Partnering with Procurement to Deliver on Net Zero thumnail image
Supply Chain | Climate Change

Partnering with Procurement to Deliver on Net Zero

Key actions business leaders can take to engage and integrate the procurement team into their net zero strategy. 

Scaling Anti-Trafficking Efforts Across Sectors Through Collaboration thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology | Collaboration

Scaling Anti-Trafficking Efforts Across Sectors Through Collaboration

Tech Against Trafficking (TAT) and The Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT) have merged. Learn more about how the two organizations will be working together to enable a more comprehensive and inclusive business approach to end human trafficking.

ESG Scenarios: Leading Sustainability in a New Context  thumnail image
ESG | Boards | Governance | Sustainability Management

ESG Scenarios: Leading Sustainability in a New Context

25 US-based Chief Sustainability Officers from leading companies across multiple sectors to participate in workshops focused on examining the short- and medium-term future of corporate sustainability.