
Partnering with Procurement to Deliver on Net Zero thumnail image
Climate Change | Supply Chain

Partnering with Procurement to Deliver on Net Zero

Key actions business leaders can take to engage and integrate the procurement team into their net zero strategy. 

Scaling Anti-Trafficking Efforts Across Sectors Through Collaboration thumnail image
Collaboration | Human Rights | Technology

Scaling Anti-Trafficking Efforts Across Sectors Through Collaboration

Tech Against Trafficking (TAT) and The Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking (GBCAT) have merged. Learn more about how the two organizations will be working together to enable a more comprehensive and inclusive business approach to end human trafficking.

ESG Scenarios: Leading Sustainability in a New Context  thumnail image
Boards | Esg | Governance | Sustainability Management

ESG Scenarios: Leading Sustainability in a New Context

25 US-based Chief Sustainability Officers from leading companies across multiple sectors to participate in workshops focused on examining the short- and medium-term future of corporate sustainability.  

How Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is Gaining Momentum in Asia-Pacific thumnail image
Inclusive Business

How Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is Gaining Momentum in Asia-Pacific

Here are our top three reflections from our engagement with Asian Pacific companies on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion so far.

China’s New Drive for Sustainable Consumption  thumnail image
Emerging Issues | Sustainability Reporting

China’s New Drive for Sustainable Consumption

A push for sustainable lifestyles is changing markets in China, driven by policy and shifting consumer preferences. Businesses wanting to stay the course need to adapt - our China team shares how:  

Advancing a Just Transition Across Sectors thumnail image
Business Transformation | Climate Change | Consumer Products | Energy And Extractives | Sustainability Management | Transport And Logistics

Advancing a Just Transition Across Sectors

BSR, The B Team, and We Mean Business launched the Just Transition Resource Platform, which provides a step-by-step approach for companies across all sectors to advance a just transition. 

Why Climate Transition Plans Must Support a Just Transition  thumnail image
Climate Change | Energy And Extractives

Why Climate Transition Plans Must Support a Just Transition

Climate transition plans should describe measures to ensure a just and equitable progression from fossil fuels to renewables. Check out four key components companies should outline in their plans. 

Navigating Data Privacy in Post-Roe America thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

Navigating Data Privacy in Post-Roe America

One year since the overturning of Roe v Wade, the policy landscape remains uncertain and active litigation in many states continues to cause confusion for providers and patients.

How to Engage Suppliers on Scope 3 Reductions  thumnail image
Climate Change | Supply Chain

How to Engage Suppliers on Scope 3 Reductions

Supplier engagement stands as a critical avenue for reaching net-zero. Here are some common actions businesses have taken to navigate relationships with suppliers and lower scope 3 emissions. 

The US Supreme Court Ruling on Affirmative Action: A Business Response thumnail image
Inclusive Business

The US Supreme Court Ruling on Affirmative Action: A Business Response

The end of affirmative action poses a risk to long-term corporate economic success. We share seven key steps business can take to ensure progress toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive economy.

A Credible Future beyond Growth thumnail image
Business Transformation | Climate Change

A Credible Future beyond Growth

A business that thrives within planetary boundaries will need to innovate to address the tension between traditional models and corporate sustainability goals.

Seven Lessons for the Just Energy Transition thumnail image
Climate Change | Energy And Extractives

Seven Lessons for the Just Energy Transition

Energy and utilities companies need to plan for a just transition in the move from a carbon-intensive to a net-zero economy. Explore challenges and opportunities for corporate action on the just transition

Respecting LGBTIQ+ Rights in Turbulent Times thumnail image
Human Rights | Inclusive Business

Respecting LGBTIQ+ Rights in Turbulent Times

Activists, customers, employees, and investors expect companies who outwardly support the LGBTIQ+ community to credibly advance LGBTIQ+ equality and protect the well-being of workers. Here's how to create lasting impact beyond Pride Month.

Land Value at Risk thumnail image
Climate Change | Emerging Issues | Financial Services | Sustainable Futures Lab

Land Value at Risk

What climate justice risks do the insurance industry face, and how can business best build inclusive resilience to these risks?

Canada’s Modern Slavery Legislation: Key Recommendations for Business thumnail image
Human Rights

Canada’s Modern Slavery Legislation: Key Recommendations for Business

Canada recently adopted legislation targeting modern slavery across corporate supply chains. Members of BSR’s Human Rights team share key provisions of the act and recommendations for business.