In a keynote address at the BSR Conference 2017, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards highlighted the role of business in advancing women's empowerment and access to women's healthcare.
"The good news is that business and business leaders are best positioned to lead us out of the patriarchy and into the light," Richards said.
Following her address, which received a standing ovation, Richards joined a conversation with BSR Senior Vice President Laura Gitman and answered live questions from BSR Conference participants on Twitter.
Watch the full video below:
The BSR Conference 2017 took place October 24-26 in Huntington Beach, California, and gathered sustainability leaders from business, government, and civil society to explore the theme of “How Business Leads.” Follow the conversation on Twitter at #BSR17. See all video highlights on BSR’s YouTube channel.
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