
Supporting LGBTI People during Pride Month 2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic thumnail image
Human Rights

Supporting LGBTI People during Pride Month 2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has exposed many of the structural and systemic issues disproportionately impacting vulnerable populations, including people of color, LGBTI people, migrants, and more. As we celebrate Pride Month in 2020, it is more important than ever to recognize the struggles of disenfranchised communities all over the world and the interconnectivity of these struggles for justice and equality.

A Human Rights-Based Approach to COVID-19 Decision-Making thumnail image
Human Rights

A Human Rights-Based Approach to COVID-19 Decision-Making

BSR has developed three primers on how to respect human rights during the COVID-19 crisis: one for the energy and extractives sector, one for the food, beverage, and agriculture sector, and one for the transportation and logistics sector.

Today and Tomorrow: COVID-19 and the Increased Relevance of Corporate Sustainability thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Today and Tomorrow: COVID-19 and the Increased Relevance of Corporate Sustainability

At GlobeScan and BSR, we spend our time working with some of the largest businesses in the world. We wanted to understand both the immediate effect on the sustainability efforts of the companies we work with and also to begin to understand what long-term implications they are anticipating as a result of the pandemic.

An Open Letter from BSR on Racial Justice thumnail image
Human Rights

An Open Letter from BSR on Racial Justice

The brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers last week—following on the previous killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Alton Sterling, Trayvon Martin, and countless others—is yet another example of the systemic and institutional racism that persists in the United States.

Rising to the Top: Six Big Sustainability Issues Companies Should Watch During COVID-19 thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Rising to the Top: Six Big Sustainability Issues Companies Should Watch During COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed our present, and very likely our future. The parts of the sustainability agenda that deliver top-line value, motivate coworkers, and demonstrate to customers that a company is looking after more than short-term financial gain are the things that matter right now.

The BSR Conference Reimagined thumnail image

The BSR Conference Reimagined

The health and safety of our community and society at large is our top priority. For this reason, the BSR Conference 2020 is going virtual.
A Post-COVID-19 Agenda for Sustainability Reporting thumnail image
Sustainability Reporting

A Post-COVID-19 Agenda for Sustainability Reporting

The world of sustainability reporting after COVID-19 will be very different than the world that preceded it. What should change?

Mitigation and Resilience Building: A Response to the COVID-19 Effects thumnail image
Supply Chain | Sustainability Management

Mitigation and Resilience Building: A Response to the COVID-19 Effects

More than any crisis in recent history, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the urgency of creating more resilient businesses and economies.

A Human Rights Impact Assessment of Facebook In Cambodia thumnail image
Human Rights | Technology

A Human Rights Impact Assessment of Facebook In Cambodia

Earlier today, Facebook published an executive summary of a human rights impact assessment that BSR conducted on behalf of Facebook in Cambodia and its response to those recommendations. We welcome this disclosure as part of Facebook’s increasingly strategic approach to human rights due diligence.

COVID-19: External Resources for Business thumnail image
Sustainability Management

COVID-19: External Resources for Business

A list of external resources on sustainability, ESG, and CSR for companies and stakeholders during the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis: Building Resilience with People at the Core thumnail image
Climate Change | Equity, Inclusion, And Justice | Human Rights | Supply Chain

COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis: Building Resilience with People at the Core

Whether it’s a pandemic or climate-related impact, those with the least, and those faced with the most extreme socioeconomic barriers, will suffer the most. The impacts that these populations face have the potential to disrupt business, from operations and supply chains down to the vital communities on which business depends.

Sustainability Reporting and Early Lessons from COVID-19 thumnail image
Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability Reporting and Early Lessons from COVID-19

BSR has observed several trends emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic and compared them with best practices on reporting. We are sharing these insights here to assist company sustainability teams as they strive to keep stakeholders informed—despite, in many cases, the reality of limited time and diminished resources.

Understanding Connections Between Climate and Public Health thumnail image
Climate Change | Healthcare

Understanding Connections Between Climate and Public Health

The global coronavirus pandemic is bringing the connection between climate and public health into focus. In recognition of Earth Day, Levi Strauss & Co. interviewed experts at the nexus of climate and public health to better understand the links and what needs to be done.

ESG Isn’t Going Anywhere: Investor Expectations in the Age of COVID-19 thumnail image
Financial Services

ESG Isn’t Going Anywhere: Investor Expectations in the Age of COVID-19

One of the most important topics in corporate sustainability is the dramatic increase in attention by investors on the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. How will the rise of COVID-19 affect ESG investing strategies both in the short term and the long term, and what does it mean for companies?

Women in Supply Chains: On the Frontlines of COVID-19’s Impact thumnail image
Supply Chain | Women’s Empowerment

Women in Supply Chains: On the Frontlines of COVID-19’s Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly transformed from a global health crisis into a financial crisis, particularly for low-income female workers in global supply chains. However, companies can effectively deploy preventative measures to support workers and workplaces to protect their health and strengthen their financial resilience.