Sustainability Standards Driving Impact for Women in Global Supply Chains
Here's how multistakeholder initiatives and sustainability standards organizations can further invest in progress on gender issues.
What the Right to Own Property Means for a Land-Based Sustainable Business
This is the second in a series of blog posts where we and a BSR member company review how business respects individual articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The US$660 Billion Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Opportunity
Our new report, Win-Win-Win: The Sustainable Supply Chain Finance Opportunity , shows how supply chain and trade finance mechanisms can be leveraged to create tangible cash incentives for suppliers, drive sustainable behaviors, and transform global supply chains.
A New Tool to Assess the Impact of Your Healthy Business Journey
The new Healthy Business Metrics Guide will help business leaders assess how effectively their company is executing on its healthy business strategy.
The Global Climate Action Summit: How Business Can Turn Up Climate Ambition
Here are all the ways your company can get involved in the Global Climate Action Summit this September and contribute to a thriving, low-carbon economy.
Two Ways Responsible Investors Can Promote Inclusive Growth
Achieving and sustaining inclusive growth is both a significant challenge and an opportunity, and investors can play a huge role in our collective solution.
Where BSR Will Be in June 2018
From our own “Redefining Sustainable Business” event series to Sustainable Brands, the BBB Forum, and Devex World, here are the events we’ll host, attend, and speak at this June.
Scaling a Renewable Future for Internet Power
Almost every company will need a new blueprint to increase the climate-compatibility of its internet use—and you can help create it.
How Health Training Changed Social Norms in Himalayan Villages
Here, we take a look into how a HERproject training program on menstrual hygiene has changed the lives of women in Himalayan villages in India.
A Map to Help Business Collaborate with Anti-Slavery Organizations
This new interactive map will help you find the most relevant partners to work with or collaborations to join to tackle modern slavery.
How Business Can Help Close the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap: 2017 Global Findex Takeaways
To help close the financial inclusion gender gap, the private sector should support greater account ownership and usage among the women who make up the majority of workers in their supply chains.
BSR18: A New Blueprint for Business
The BSR Conference 2018, in New York November 6-8, will present “A New Blueprint for Business,” defining a path that enables business to thrive in societies that prosper. Help us create it—registration is now open.
The Future of Work for Women in China: Lessons from HERproject
Here are a few recommendations for companies looking to promote gender equality and sustainability in their operations and supply chains in China.
Where BSR Will Be in May 2018
From the UN climate negotiations in Germany, to the Copenhagen Fashion Summit, to events about the Global Climate Action Summit, here’s where we’ll be this month.