Business Transformation | Regulations | Sustainability Reporting
Conducting an ESRS and IFRS Gap Assessment
Explore BSR’s newest case study with a global technology company to perform a gap assessment against the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Financial Services | Regulations | Sustainability Management
Conducting a Double Materiality Assessment with a Financial Institution
Beyond Bank approached BSR to conduct a materiality assessment to proactively identify, assess, and prioritize the bank’s material environment, social, and governance (ESG) risks, opportunities, and impacts.

Business Transformation | Consumer Products | Human Rights | Sustainability Management
Building a Social Performance Framework Aligned with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
BSR worked with Inter IKEA, a global home furnishing brand, to design a social performance framework aligned with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), international frameworks, and existing company best practices.

Financial Services | Sustainability Management
Conducting a Double Materiality Assessment
BSR led a robust double materiality assessment to prepare Assurant, a global business services company, for its upcoming strategy refresh and mandatory disclosure obligations.

Inclusive Business
Supporting Business Implementation of the UNGC Women’s Empowerment Principles
BSR worked with the UN Global Compact to engage companies in developing a global approach to gender equality aligning company-specific strategies with wider sustainability targets.

Healthcare | Inclusive Business
Conducting a DEI Assessment in Asia Pacific
BSR worked with Zuellig Pharma to conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Assessment using BSR methodology to gauge the effectiveness of Zuellig Pharma's DEI efforts and determine its level of maturity and ability to continuously improve.

Energy And Extractives | Nature
Defining Ambition and a Pathway toward a Nature-Positive Future
BSR worked with Hafslund to 1) help provide a better understanding of the current nature landscape, including key regulations, initiatives, frameworks, and standards, and 2) define the company’s stated goal of, and pathway to, contributing to a nature-positive future.

Human Rights | Technology
Developing Best Practices for Human Rights Due Diligence in Technology Sales Channels
BSR worked with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and another BSR member company to develop a set of best practices and recommendations for how to ensure human rights due diligence (HRDD) is conducted across sales channels.

Financial Services | Human Rights
Updating Scotiabank’s Human Rights Strategy
BSR worked with the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) to refresh its Human Rights Assessment (HRA) and update its Human Rights Statement.

Climate Change | Energy And Extractives | Industrials
Conducting a Climate Risk Assessment through Scenario Analysis
BSR worked with Mercer International Inc., a global producer of market pulp and solid wood products, to conduct a climate scenario analysis.

Financial Services | Human Rights
Phoenix’s Human Rights Journey: Designing a Human Rights Roadmap
BSR worked with Phoenix Group to provide a clearer understanding of its impacts on human rights, publish its first human rights policy, and develop a roadmap to deliver an approach to respecting human rights.

Consumer Products | Nature | Supply Chain
Leather-Linked Soy Deforestation
In partnership with Trase, the Responsible Luxury Initiative (ReLI) investigated the deforestation risk linked to its members’ leather supply chains via soy in cattle feed.

Climate Change | Consumer Products
Developing a Climate Justice Framework
BSR worked with Unilever to provide the company with a deeper understanding of the concept of climate justice and its implications across different communities throughout the value chain.

Emerging Issues | Sustainability Management | Sustainable Futures Lab
Climate Scenarios with the National Association of Corporate Directors
BSR and the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) collaborated on a joint climate scenarios workshop for NACD’s Climate Continuous Learning Cohort, demonstrating the potential and value of these scenarios to navigate risks and opportunities for boards.

Supply Chain | Technology
Blockchain in Brazil and Sustainable Supply Chains
This short case study describes the context and objectives of a blockchain project, as well as the analysis process of the three companies’ supply chains, the technical solutions identified, and conclusions of the feasibility study.