Despite considerable progress, the world is not on track to reach the aspirations of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Recent analysis suggests that most of the global thresholds for a "safe and just" planet have already been breached. We are now at a crucial juncture. Achieving these ambitious targets is vital for long-term societal and economic resilience, and doing so requires urgent and rapid business transformation and innovation. Through this series of dialogues and workshops, BSR members will be challenged and inspired to think beyond existing business strategies and economic growth objectives. Join us to explore ways to design innovative models that can meet these challenges and deliver new value for generations to come.
Highlighted Speakers

Wouter de Groot
Vice President Sustainability, HSE and External Affairs
FLSmidth & Co. A/S

Vincent Liegey
Exploring Degrowth: A Critical Guide

Catherine Loke
Founding President
The Circle for Human Sustainability

Isabelle Lefort
Paris Good Fashion
Our Events
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Please Note, participation is limited and BSR members will receive priority.