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BSR Members Only
Date and Time
February 20, 2024
10:00 am-11:00 am
Event Resources
Event resources are for BSR members only. Members, please log in to access the resources.
This introductory session will dive into the landscape of international voluntary and regulatory frameworks, including key components of a climate transition plan (CTP), how to make CTPs credible, and how CTPs fit into evolving stakeholder expectations for climate strategy and disclosure.
We will provide a summary of leading CTP methodologies and frameworks and share how these align with mandatory international disclosure requirements.
Scheduled Speakers
- Giulio Berruti, Director, Climate and Nature, BSR
- CSDDD: A De Facto Climate Due Diligence Law That Safeguards People / September 23, 2024 / Blog
- Scaling Investment in Carbon Credits with Integrity / July 2, 2024 / Blog
- The CSDDD: Compliance Meets Sustainability Ambitions / June 20, 2024 / Insights+
- 1.5°C Targets: The Business Case for a Climate Transition Plan / May 30, 2024 / Blog
- The Elephant in the Sustainability Room / May 6, 2024 / Reports
- Julie Dugard, Associate Director, Climate and Nature, BSR
- EU Omnibus: It’s Time to Shift Focus from Compliance to Impact / March 10, 2025 / Insights+
- Charting the Course: Navigating the Climate Transition Plan Landscape / February 20, 2025 / Reports
- The Elephant in the Sustainability Room / May 6, 2024 / Reports
- A Credible Future beyond Growth / June 13, 2023 / Blog
- Redefining Business Growth within Planetary Boundaries / March 16, 2023 / Blog

Giulio Berruti
Director, Climate and Nature, BSR
Giulio brings over 14 years of expertise in advancing corporate climate action.
He leads BSR’s climate team, oversees the team strategy, and works with BSR members across consulting, collaborative initiatives, and grants implementation.
Currently, Giulio oversees BSR’s work on beyond growth to reconcile business models with planetary boundaries, and more generally works with BSR members on climate transition planning and net-zero value chains.
Since joining BSR in 2018, Giulio’s work has focused on Scope 3 implementation through supplier engagement, and commodities decarbonization strategies, both through consulting and support developments open-source guidance such as 1.5°C Supplier Engagement Guide, Transform to Net Zero and Climate Fit.
Giulio also worked on several projects helping companies set Science-Based Targets, implement TCFD recommendations, and conduct climate scenario analysis. He supported the development of SBTi Net Zero standard as a member of the Expert Advisory Group.
Prior to joining BSR, Giulio spent 7 years with EcoAct between France and Kenya, focusing on climate advisory work on GHG mitigation, target setting and climate strategies, climate risk assessments and carbon offset project development.
Giulio holds a MS in Sustainability from HEC Paris School of Management. He also holds a double degree MS in Management and Industrial Engineering and a double degree BS in Technology and International Business from Politecnico di Torino and UIC Barcelona.
Recent Insights From Giulio Berruti

Julie Dugard
Associate Director, Climate and Nature, BSR
Julie serves as Manager of BSR’s Climate team, where she brings over 10 years of experience in corporate sustainability and climate action and supports BSR members with their climate strategies.
After joining BSR in 2021, Julie worked on multiple projects helping companies implementing TCFD recommendations, conducting climate scenario analysis (for the tech, financial and insurance industry), accelerating Net Zero transition, implementing just transition approaches (extractive industry) and scope 3 strategies (consumer goods sector). Since 2023, Julie manages BSR grant-funded work dedicated to Climate Transition Plans.
Julie is also co-developing BSR’s work on alternative business models addressing the tension between business growth and sustainability targets.
Prior to joining BSR, Julie worked in Mazars’s sustainability services and risk practice, where she audited and advised companies on their ESG data and internal audit, control and risk approaches. During her time within Mazars, Julie also spent six months at the Mexico City office.
Julie holds a master’s degree in business from Kedge Business School and spent one semester at the University of Nottingham and another one at the University of Technology of Sydney. She speaks French, English, and Spanish.