BSR Members Only
Date and Time
November 16, 2023
10:00 am-11:00 am
Event Resources
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The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has far-reaching implications for how EU and non-EU companies, including financial institutions, assess, address, and disclose human rights-related risks and impacts. The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)—which build on CSRD and provide operational guidance to companies—call on companies to conduct due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in order to identify and account for how they manage material impacts. This includes disclosure of how companies engage affected stakeholders to understand how they may be impacted by the company’s activities and value chain. To help financial institutions understand what this means for their own operations and their portfolios, please join our members-only webinar to explore:
- The human rights aspects of CSRD/ESRS and key implications for sustainability reporting by financial institutions.
- Practical strategies for financial institutions to approach their own human rights disclosures under CSRD, including stakeholder engagement and due diligence.
- What financial institutions should expect to see in the sustainability reports of clients and investees.
- Human rights gaps and potential risks associated with CSRD/ESRS, including accuracy and availability of human rights data.
- The relationship between CSRD and other regulatory developments (e.g., Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, EU Taxonomy, EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive).
As part of our interactive discussion, we will facilitate Q&A to address key questions and comments from the audience on this ground-breaking piece of legislation.
Scheduled Speakers
- Ruben Zandvliet, Deputy Director, Shift
- Kindra Mohr, Associate Director, Financial Services and Human Rights, BSR
- The CSDDD: Implications for the Finance Industry / September 4, 2024 / Blog
- Close the Remedy Gap / February 12, 2024 / News
- A Human Rights Approach in Impact Investing / January 11, 2023 / News
- Double Materiality for Financial Institutions / December 14, 2022 / Reports
- Transforming Finance: Priorities for Progress in Advancing Respect for Human Rights / April 21, 2022 / Blog
- Paloma Muñoz Quick, Director, Human Rights Standards, BSR
- The EU Omnibus: What’s at Stake for Business, People, and the Planet / January 28, 2025 / Blog
- Sustainability Strategy in the Age of Regulation: Don’t Lose the Plot / October 3, 2024 / Blog
- CSDDD: A De Facto Climate Due Diligence Law That Safeguards People / September 23, 2024 / Blog
- The CSDDD: Implications for the Finance Industry / September 4, 2024 / Blog
- How Financial Institutions Can Manage Reduction of US Reproductive and LGBTQI+ Rights / July 9, 2024 / Blog

Kindra Mohr
Associate Director, Financial Services and Human Rights, BSR
New York
Bringing her expertise as a business and human rights attorney, Kindra leads BSR's work at the intersection of finance and human rights.
Kindra has nearly 15 years of experience in advancing human rights, social and environmental sustainability, and access to remedy within the financial sector. She advises financial institutions and their corporate clients and investees on innovative solutions to prevent and address human rights risks and impacts on the ground, including through stakeholder engagement and the development of grievance mechanisms.
Previously, Kindra consulted for the International Finance Corporation and worked with clients at PwC to integrate best practices into their corporate governance frameworks. She also worked for the US Senate and served for five years as the Policy Director for a global nonprofit, advocating with communities for environmental and social protections and access to remedy in international finance. In addition, Kindra has lived and worked for nonprofits in Argentina, Haiti, and Peru on access to justice and corporate accountability.
Kindra obtained her law degree at Boston College and holds a MA in International Economics and International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Recent Insights From Kindra Mohr

Paloma Muñoz Quick
Director, Human Rights Standards, BSR
New York
Paloma leads BSR’s work on Human Rights Standards, including standard-setting, knowledge management, and helping companies respond to emerging standards and regulation. She is also Senior Advisor to BSR’s Finance & Human Rights Practice.
Prior to joining BSR, Paloma was Advisor to the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and Senior Consultant of the UN B-Tech Project, where she developed a vision for promoting the uptake of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights among investors and guidance on responsible investment in digital technologies. Prior to the UN, Paloma launched and led the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, where she developed thought leadership on the investor responsibility to respect human rights and supported stewardship engagements across industries. She also worked at the Danish Institute for Human Rights advising companies, governments, and civil society on business and human rights.
Paloma is a member of the US government’s Advisory Committee on Responsible Business Conduct. She sits on the Editorial Board of Developments in the Field of the Business and Human Rights Journal of Cambridge University.
She holds a Master of International Affairs (M.I.A.) in Human Rights from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a B.A. in Political Science, also from Columbia University.
Paloma is Chilean-American and is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.