New Research Reveals Strong Support for Social Justice by US Workers and Consumers, Challenging Business to Take Action

Poll reveals workers in America favor companies that promote social justice by a 3:1 margin, while consumers are four times more likely to remain loyal to brands that support social issues.

Washington, DC—October 1, 2024—A new poll based on a survey of 2,204 US adults, conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of BSR, reveals that adults are 4 times more likely to say companies should do more to promote social justice. In contrast, fewer than 20% of adults believe companies should stay out of these critical conversations.

Amidst a turbulent environment for business in the US, there remains an opportunity for companies to address a broad range of social and economic issues, with overwhelming support for measures in states addressing gun violence and mass shootings (78%), voting rights and ballot access (77%), racial inequality and discrimination (72%), and caregiving and childcare support (69%). This underscores the growing need for employers to navigate state social policies as a key factor in shaping workforce retention, relocation, and well-being.

"Employees and consumers have made it clear—when it comes to social issues, they still expect companies to act," said Jen Stark, Co-Director of BSR’s Center for Business & Social Justice. "As state policies continue to diverge, businesses have a unique opportunity to lead, not only within their workplaces but in their industries and states, using their influence to ensure that public policy strengthens the communities where they live and work."

Key Findings:

  • Workforce Sentiment Driven by State Policies: Social justice issues affect the lives of employees and influence where they choose to live and work. These issues also affect the business climate by creating risks and opportunities for employers to navigate everything from talent mobility to worker safety. An overwhelming majority of adults prefer to live in states that offer paid family and medical leave by a 10:1 margin. Additionally, states where abortion is legal and accessible are favored by a 2:1 margin. Notably, 54% of adults who were offered a professional opportunity requiring relocating in the past year considered state social policies when deciding whether to accept or decline the offer. This trend, driven by labor force migration overall to the South and West, brings workers with new expectations into states. As a result, 1 in 4 adults disagree with their current local and state policies, indicating that state social policies represent both risks and opportunities for employers.
  • Companies Gain Competitive Advantage by Upholding Commitments: Employees are nearly 3 times more likely to stay with companies that actively promote social justice through policies such as pay equity, diversity and inclusion, and workplace policies and practices. In states where social policies conflict with their values, workers expect their employers to offset these barriers by increasing benefits (64%) and offering additional paid time off (67%).
  • Consumers Expect Action, While Opposition to Progress is Low: Consumers are 4 times more likely to believe companies should do more to promote social justice than remain silent. Two-thirds of adults say companies should address the lack of national paid family and medical leave (69%), racial inequality (65%) and misinformation (64%). Only 10% believe companies should do less when it comes to promoting social justice, indicating opposition to progress remains minimal. This research underscores that brands have an opportunity to lead on social issues to drive loyalty in a values-driven marketplace.

A Call to Action for Business Leaders

“The world is becoming more global, more connected, and increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence,” said Jarrid Green, Co-Director of BSR’s Center for Business & Social Justice. “In this evolving landscape, businesses simply cannot operate in environments where fragmented state policies restrict workforce mobility, endanger families, and limit socioeconomic opportunities for diverse communities. Building on our previous work, this latest research provides business leaders with actionable insights to break through the noise and make meaningful progress.”

Companies can leverage this research to reinforce their existing commitments to social justice, in the manner that resonates with their stakeholders. Importantly, business leaders do not need to adopt an all-or-nothing approach—progress is hard, but necessary, and this research confirms that workers and consumers are counting on businesses to provide stability, reflect their values, and foster inclusivity.

“At BSR, we work with 300 of the world’s most influential and dynamic companies and our partners to create a world in which all people can thrive,” said Laura Gitman, Chief Impact Officer at BSR. “Our latest research shows that companies who ignore the diverse makeup of both their talent pool and consumer base risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive global market. By embracing where they have common ground on social issues, businesses can unlock new opportunities for innovation, resilience, and long-term success.”

Consumers, workers, and investors are increasingly demanding urgent, meaningful action from businesses on a range of social justice issues. Earlier this year, BSR’s Center for Business & Social Justice released The Social Justice Guide for Business: Moving Beyond Crisis to Action, a free, downloadable resource for meaningful corporate engagement on social justice issues.

This poll was conducted by Morning Consult, on behalf of BSR, between August 2-4, 2024, among a sample of 2,204 adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, gender, race, educational attainment, region, gender by age, and race by educational attainment. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.

Download the full report and fact sheet.

Media Contact:

Devinder Lamsar, Account Director, McPherson Strategies

David Stearns, Managing Director, BSR

About BSR
BSR is a sustainable business network and consultancy focused on creating a world in which all people can thrive on a healthy planet. With offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR provides its 300+ member companies with insight, advice, and collaborative initiatives to help them see a changing world more clearly, create long-term value, and scale impact.

About Morning Consult
Morning Consult is a global decision intelligence company changing how modern leaders make smarter, faster, better decisions. The company pairs its proprietary high-frequency data with applied artificial intelligence to better inform decisions on what people think and how they will act.

This work was made possible through the support of the Collaborative for Gender and Reproductive Equity, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

For more information, check out the research from BSR’s Center for Business & Social Justice, published in February 2023: Talent Trends & State Social Policies: 2023 Impact on Businesses in the US.