Triangles, Numbers, and Narratives: A Proposal for the Future of Sustainability Reporting hero image

Triangles, Numbers, and Narratives: A Proposal for the Future of Sustainability Reporting

November 2, 2016
  • BSR Staff

Sustainability reporting has grown considerably in both quantity and quality over the past 20 years. However, many companies express concern that today’s sustainability reporting falls short in two important areas: accelerating improved sustainability performance and enabling informed decision-making.

This report centers on two main items: first, summarizing the main features of sustainability reporting that can improve sustainability performance and enable informed decision-making, and second, proposing a conceptual model for the future of sustainability reporting based on a triangular structure, a key performance indicator, and a key performance narrative table.

We believe there is an opportunity for sustainability reporting practitioners in all companies to reform sustainability reporting in ways that improve its impact on sustainability performance and enable more informed decision-making. For this reason, the report concludes with a call-to-action for companies to join BSR in developing these solutions further.

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