
Making Women Workers Count thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain | Human Rights

Making Women Workers Count

Reducing Poverty through Employment Toolkit thumnail image
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Reducing Poverty through Employment Toolkit

BSR and the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC) have developed the Reducing Poverty through Employment Toolkit, which provides a range of good practices, case examples, and resources to guide companies on how to get started or how to enhance existing efforts to employ, empower, and improve the advancement prospects of those living in poverty.

How Business Can Build a ‘Future of Work’ That Works for Women thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

How Business Can Build a ‘Future of Work’ That Works for Women

Businesses have a responsibility not only to help workers prepare and transition for the ‘future of work,’ but also enact strategies that create positive change and economic advances for women. This report outlines how to do so.

Key Considerations in Managing ESG through a Merger thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Financial Services | ESG

Key Considerations in Managing ESG through a Merger

As business leaders across industries pursue M&A activity, there will be substantial ESG opportunities and risks for the companies involved: opportunities to create more ambitious and resilient sustainability strategies, accompanied by risks that ESG objectives will be sidelined by overwhelming pressures to create short-term value.

Human Rights Insights: Trends from the Human Rights Working Group’s Spring Meeting thumnail image
Human Rights

Human Rights Insights: Trends from the Human Rights Working Group’s Spring Meeting

In March and April 2019, BSR’s Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) held its first round of meetings for the year in New York, London, and Tokyo.

Human Rights Policy Engagement: The Role of Companies thumnail image
Human Rights

Human Rights Policy Engagement: The Role of Companies

It is increasingly important for business not only to maintain its commitments to respect human rights, but also to find new ways to support the work of governments for such effort

The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder 2.0 thumnail image
Supply Chain

The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder 2.0

The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder 2.0 incorporates learnings from our work with companies where we use the framework to identify their level of maturity and ambition, benchmark their practices against their peers, and develop concrete action plans to improve.

Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement thumnail image
Sustainability Management

Five-Step Approach to Stakeholder Engagement

This report provides a comprehensive stakeholder engagement approach and toolkit that will help your company build and retain stakeholder trust in the long term.

ESG in Private Equity: How To Write a Responsible Investment Policy thumnail image
Financial Services | ESG

ESG in Private Equity: How To Write a Responsible Investment Policy

Over the past 10 years, the private equity sector has seen responsible investment approaches move from exception to expectation. Formalized integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations is becoming the norm. For all firms, a meaningful policy is fundamental to responsible investment and ESG integration.

Five Reporting Trends for 2019: Insights on the Future of Reporting thumnail image
Sustainability Management | Collaboration

Five Reporting Trends for 2019: Insights on the Future of Reporting

Here are the five innovations that BSR's Future of Reporting collaborative initiative would like to see improve reporting and disclosure in 2019.

Climate and the Just Transition thumnail image
Climate Change | Energy and Extractives

Climate and the Just Transition

The just transition is an economy-wide process that produces the plans, policies, and investments that build resilient economies and communities with green and decent jobs, and this report explores the role business can play in making it a reality.

Climate and Human Rights thumnail image
Human Rights | Climate Change

Climate and Human Rights

This report explores the intimate connection between climate resilience and human rights and outlines how companies can address this nexus.

Doing Business in 2030 thumnail image
Sustainable Futures Lab

Doing Business in 2030

Climate and Women thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Climate Change

Climate and Women

This paper explores the connection between women’s empowerment and resilience to climate change and aims to drive corporate action to put women at the center of climate solutions.

Gender Equality in Social Auditing Guidance thumnail image
Women’s Empowerment | Supply Chain

Gender Equality in Social Auditing Guidance