Human Rights Across the Generative AI Value Chain hero image

Human Rights Across the Generative AI Value Chain

Human Rights Assessment of the Generative AI Value Chain and Responsible AI Practitioner Guides

Photo by Mikhail Sheleh on iStock

February 25, 2025
  • J.Y. Hoh portrait

    J.Y. Hoh

    Associate Director, Technology and Human Rights, BSR

  • Samone Nigam

    Manager, Technology Sectors, BSR

  • Lindsey Andersen portrait

    Lindsey Andersen

    Associate Director, Human Rights, BSR

  • Hannah Darnton portrait

    Hannah Darnton

    Director, Technology and Human Rights, BSR

As the capabilities of generative AI (genAI) increase daily, they also pose risks to people and society. While some companies have created AI governance systems to address these risks, many of these systems do not adequately integrate human rights principles and methodologies, or do not include them at all. Additionally, genAI's "value chain" involves an interconnected web of suppliers, vendors, individual users, foundation model developers, etc., where decisions made by one actor may have consequences on the others. As a result, to properly assess the human rights impacts of genAI, its entire value chain must be considered.

To assist responsible AI practitioners and encourage greater transparency in the field of human rights and genAI, BSR conducted a human rights assessment that identifies and assesses the actual and potential human rights impacts (i.e., risks and opportunities) associated with genAI through a value chain lens. It shows how different value chain actors, listed in the diagram below, are connected to potential impacts and recommends actions they can take to address risks and provide remedy for harms.

Human Rights Assessment genAI value chain
Click on the image to view a larger size

Accompanying this assessment is a series of practitioner guides that advise those working on responsible AI on how to incorporate a human rights-based approach to their work. These guides can be used across all AI product development and deployment.

Human Rights Assessment of the Generative AI Value Chain Overview of Responsible AI Practitioner Guides Guide 1 Guide 2 Guide 3 Guide 4 Guide 5 Guide 6 Guide 7 Guide 8

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