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Blog | Friday March 3, 2017

A New Era for Chinese Industry: Automation, Optimization, and Global Supply Chains

Chinese industry is entering a new era in which optimization of resources, labor, and cost is critical. These shifts will require major changes to the way global businesses operate in China.

Blog | Thursday March 2, 2017

Three Ways to Embed Sustainability in Public-Private Partnerships for U.S. Infrastructure

BSR sees investing in U.S. infrastructure as a major opportunity to create employment, upgrade to climate-friendly systems, and build a transportation system fit for a low-carbon economy.

Blog | Tuesday February 28, 2017

Clean Power Generates American Jobs and Business Competitiveness

Transformations in the U.S. energy sector toward renewable sources have led to increased employment, more efficient energy use, and more. Withdrawing from the Clean Air Act, including the Clean Power Plan, will slow this progress but will not undermine it.

Blog | Monday February 27, 2017

Three Steps for Healthy Business Product and Program Design

Our new Healthy Business Coalition Innovation Playbook outlines an innovation process to help companies integrate their healthy business strategy into the design of new products, services, and programs.

Blog | Thursday February 23, 2017

Collaborating to Eliminate Modern Slavery: Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking

BSR is pleased to announce its appointment as secretariat of the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking, which provides a collaborative space for companies to advance the fight against modern slavery.

Blog | Wednesday February 22, 2017

Building Responsibly: Turning Challenges to Opportunities in Engineering and Construction

Building Responsibly—our new industry-led collaborative initiative with support from Humanity United—will enable construction and engineering companies to collaborate around their shared values, advance their programs through best-practice sharing, and more.

Blog | Tuesday February 21, 2017

Are You Measuring Your Company’s Full Value Creation?

It matters to business success whether products and companies offer community, societal, and environmental benefits. And these benefits create value—to natural systems and human societies—that can be measured.

Blog | Monday February 20, 2017

Building a Culture of Integrity to Transform the Maritime Industry

Rather than resolving issues as they arise or worsen, the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network now aims to shift the integrity culture of the maritime sector to a point where corruption is no longer entertained as a possibility in any port.

Blog | Friday February 17, 2017

Human Rights by Design

Based on lessons learned from our recent human rights work, we have begun exploring the concept of “human rights by design,” which we believe could be essential for the long-term success of the business and human rights discipline.

Blog | Thursday February 16, 2017

Three Reasons Why Collaboration Is Key to Green Freight

Through the Clean Cargo Working Group, which now represents 85 percent of ocean container shipping volume, we have seen the value to companies in addressing challenges collaboratively.