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Deb Gallagher

Deb leads BSR’s climate work in the US. She works closely with BSR’s external partnership teams to accelerate decarbonization while engendering climate justice. She works with Transform to Net Zero (TONZ) collaborative initiative members to amplify leadership behaviors that promote a just and resilient future. Deb leads efforts to create…

Blog | Friday July 29, 2022

BSR Response: How the EU’s Sustainability Reporting Standards Will Be a Game Changer

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) recently released a set of sector-agnostic exposure drafts that form the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). We share our response to EFRAG’s public consultation.

Blog | Thursday July 28, 2022

How IFRS Sustainability Reporting Standards Can Contribute to Further Harmonization

BSR welcomes and has responded to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s two exposure drafts released in March 2022, grounding our comments in 30 years of experience working with member companies.

Blog | Wednesday July 27, 2022

Business Leadership in the Great Fragmentation: Part 1

The world is fragmenting politically, economically, environmentally, and culturally. BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer shares the six interlocking factors that are accelerating fragmentation and why they’re significant for business.

Blog | Tuesday July 26, 2022

In Egypt, Digital Payroll Helps Garment Workers Reap What They Sew

Egypt’s garment sector employs more than 1.5 million people, half of whom are women, offering an opportunity to promote women’s economic empowerment. Here’s how HERproject’s Digital Wages partnership with Mastercard helped lead to increased financial inclusion and resilience for female garment workers.

Blog | Thursday July 21, 2022

Just Transition: Clean Energy with a Clear Conscience

To achieve a just and clean energy transition, meaningful multi-stakeholder cooperation between business, governments, labor experts, and environmental justice groups is critical.

Blog | Wednesday July 20, 2022

A Business Approach to Reinforcing Democracy

More than 80 percent of business leaders see threats to democracy as threats to business. What can business do?

Blog | Thursday July 14, 2022

Delaying Climate Action: The Challenges of Moderating Climate Misinformation on Social Media

At a point when delays in climate action may lead to catastrophic and irreversible harm, companies must address climate misinformation urgently and decisively. Our new brief explores the specific challenges of moderating climate misinformation.

Blog | Wednesday July 13, 2022

What the ESG Critics Are Right About—And Where They’re Misguided

After considerable momentum, there is now a backlash against elements of the sustainable business agenda. BSR President and CEO Aron Cramer discusses some of the big questions raised.

Blog | Thursday July 7, 2022

What Business Needs to Know about the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), all large, all listed, and some non-EU companies will be required to report sustainability information against mandatory European Sustainability Reporting Standards. Six things that business should know about the CSRD.