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Blog | Monday April 17, 2017

How Men Can Help Empower Women through HERproject

It has become increasingly clear that for women to be able to make and act on choices they value, support from men—as coworkers, as managers, and as family members—is vital.

Blog | Wednesday April 12, 2017

Better Energy Management Electrifies the Corporate Agenda

Forward-looking businesses are realizing huge cost savings by investing in energy efficiency measures and switching to renewable energy.

Blog | Tuesday April 11, 2017

Automation: How Business Can Lead a Sustainable Transition

Adopting these four practices can help companies facilitate a smooth transition to automation.

Blog | Monday April 10, 2017

Beyond Today’s Conflict and Beyond Today’s Minerals

Companies can create conflict minerals programs with positive social impacts by broadening their geographic focus and responsible procurement efforts and deepening their transparency and partnerships to engage government.

Blog | Thursday April 6, 2017

Made in Africa: How the Apparel Sector Can Build an Ethical Sourcing Destination

Many apparel brands are starting to source from sub-Saharan Africa. Here’s how they can embed responsible business practices and advance women’s economic empowerment from the beginning.

Blog | Wednesday April 5, 2017

Business Risk, Reward, and Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather

As businesses begin to assess extreme-weather risks and opportunities and consider investments in building resilience, they should keep the following in mind.

Blog | Friday March 31, 2017

Emptier Refrigerators as Social Capital: Redefining the Value of Food in the United States

Our vision is that emptier refrigerators become a badge of social awareness of reducing food waste—and companies can help reach that vision through collaboration.

Blog | Thursday March 30, 2017

A Guide to Stakeholder Engagement for Healthier Communities

The Healthy Business Coalition’s new Stakeholder Engagement Guide is designed to help companies engage key stakeholders on their healthy business goals, progress, and obstacles.

Blog | Wednesday March 29, 2017

The Growing Business Risks in Fossil Fuels

As fossil fuels present an increasing number of economic and business risks, smart companies are investing in renewable energy to power their growth.

Blog | Tuesday March 28, 2017

BSR’s Statement on the U.S. Administration Executive Order on Climate Change

The executive order to dismantle the U.S. Clean Power Plan puts significant progress toward a clean economy at risk, but two factors will ensure that this low-carbon transition is inevitable.