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Blog | Monday February 22, 2021

Inside BSR: Q&A with Francesca Manta

Originally from Italy and currently leading BSR’s Copenhagen office, Francesca Manta’s childhood passion for justice and equity now fuels her work on business and human rights. .

Blog | Thursday February 18, 2021

Larry Fink Adds His Voice to the Call for Business Transformation

Companies and their leaders need to articulate ambitious transformation plans to navigate and participate in the push from “shareholder capitalism,” past “ESG shareholder capitalism,” and toward a just, sustainable, and thriving world.

Blog | Wednesday February 17, 2021

To Combat Systemic Discrimination, Companies Need to Acknowledge Their Role

How can companies play a role in tackling systemic racism and discrimination?

Blog | Wednesday February 10, 2021

Women’s Empowerment in the Era of Social Distancing

A new digital tool from HERproject aims to reach women workers in global value chains and build resilience to COVID-19 impacts.

Blog | Tuesday February 9, 2021

Why Companies Should Assess Double Materiality

In the first part of our blog series on materiality, we discuss why companies should assess double materiality.

Blog | Tuesday February 9, 2021

Double and Dynamic: How to Enhance the Value of Your Materiality Assessment

After 20 years of discussions and evolving perspectives on what materiality means, who is it for, or whether the sustainability field should even be using the term “materiality,” a consensus is emerging.

Blog | Thursday February 4, 2021

Companies Can’t Ignore the ‘She-cession’ Created by the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has fueled a recession for women. BSR recommends six actions for companies to incorporate a gender lens on recovery efforts.

Blog | Wednesday February 3, 2021

Looking Ahead to the Next Decade of Business and Human Rights

As we look ahead to the next decade of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), we see the need to start focusing on six areas that will enable us to achieve the most meaningful progress toward the realization of human rights.

Blog | Tuesday February 2, 2021

China in 2021: Looking beyond COVID-19

BSR takes a look at four trends to watch in China’s manufacturing and supply chain environment in 2021, a year still shaped by COVID-19.

Blog | Wednesday January 27, 2021

Data and Tech Acceleration in COVID-19: The Human Rights Impact on Vulnerable Garment Workers

BSR examined the impacts of digital transformation on women garment workers in our new report, Digital Technology and Data in the Garment Supply Chain during COVID-19.