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Blog | Friday November 8, 2019

The New Climate for Corporate Political Accountability

What can corporations do to demonstrate alignment between their political activity and corporate sustainability strategies and goals? We recommend the following three good practice approaches.

Blog | Thursday November 7, 2019

Sustainability at AT&T: Q&A with John Schulz, Director, External Affairs, Sustainability

In today’s new climate for business, stakeholders are looking to understand the sustainability impacts of the entire company—including the products and services that generate its revenue. BSR member AT&T is an example of a company driving greater impact by making sustainability part of its revenue model.

Blog | Wednesday November 6, 2019

The Case for Prioritizing Net Zero Carbon Emissions, Especially in Value Chains

Kaiser Permanente and BSR recently partnered with Newsweek for a survey of 300-plus multinational companies on progress toward carbon neutrality and found that 70 percent of corporations are experiencing disruptions in operations due to climate change. Now, these businesses’ efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and integrate sustainable practices into…

Blog | Wednesday October 30, 2019

Google’s Human Rights by Design

Google commissioned BSR to conduct a human rights assessment of its new celebrity recognition application program interface (API) while it was in development to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential human rights impacts.

Blog | Friday October 25, 2019

Human Rights in a Global Supply Chain: Challenges and Approaches

During its summer meetings, BSR’s Human Rights Working Group covered topics ranging from women’s empowerment in the business context to applying human rights considerations to artificial intelligence systems as part of its discussion on implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Reports | Friday October 25, 2019

Human Rights Insights: Trends from the Human Rights Working Group’s Summer Meeting

The second round of Human Rights Working Group meetings for 2019 covered topics including human rights methodologies, human rights and supply chains, responsible use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI), legal trends, and human rights governance.

Blog | Wednesday October 23, 2019

The Building Blocks of Integrating ESG into Private Infrastructure Investments

While private equity firms have made significant progress in integrating ESG considerations into their company-focused equities investing models, infrastructure funds have not been as proactive in integrating ESG considerations into business decisions—and we think this is a missed opportunity.

Blog | Tuesday October 15, 2019

Answering the Call for Business Leadership on Climate Policy

Our recently released letter calling for business action on climate policy—which we were delighted to publish in partnership with 10 other leading environmental and sustainability organizations—is a sign of the times.

Blog | Monday October 7, 2019

Q&A with BSR Senior Advisor Susan Morgan

Dunstan Allison-Hope interviews Susan Morgan, BSR’s newest senior advisor, on technology, ethics, and human rights in sustainable business.

Blog | Thursday October 3, 2019

Harnessing the Power of Data in Supply Chains: Making Women Workers Count and Be Counted

How can companies conduct more gender-responsive due diligence approaches, and what role does gender-disaggregated data play in this? This is the question that BSR’s Making Women Workers Count: Conducting Gender-Responsive Due Diligence in Supply Chains sets out to address.